Working with a beautiful but broken Minolta lens I became fascinated with the out of focus results of this lens. So I started this project as an exercise in walking around town with eyes only for light, color and composition. I played around with a variety of lenses, enjoying my new hazy surroundings.

Late Summer and Autumn 2014

Available as editions of 10, 350 gr  Baryta FB, 45 x 30 cm. For additional information and prices please contact ZERP Galerie, Van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120A, 3012 GV Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Phone: +31 10 8 46 37 30


Out of Focus

Out of Focus, nr 1

Out of Focus, nr 2

Out of Focus, nr 3

Out of Focus, nr 4

Out of Focus, nr 5

Out of Focus, nr 6

Out of Focus, nr 7

Out of Focus, nr 8

Out of Focus, nr 9

Out of Focus, nr 10

Out of Focus, nr 11

Out of Focus, nr 12

Out of Focus, nr 13

Out of Focus, nr 14

Out of Focus, nr 16

Out of Focus, nr 17

Out of Focus, nr 18

Out of Focus, nr 19

Out of Focus, nr 20

Out of Focus, nr 21

Out of Focus, nr 22

Out of Focus, nr 23

Out of Focus, nr 24

Out of Focus, nr 25

Out of Focus, nr 26

Out of Focus, nr 27

Out of Focus, nr 28

Out of Focus, nr 29

Out of Focus, nr 30

Out of Focus, nr 31

Out of Focus, nr 32

Out of Focus, nr 33

Out of Focus, nr 34