A series of photographs investigating the possibilities of AI. All pictures have their origin in a simple instruction: “contemplate the mystery of birth and death, while surrounded by scenes of civil war.”

The images presented here are full of references to ‘classic’ photography and very often are reminiscent of the styles of well-known photographers. Still, these images have no basis in reality and are also not the result of an artist’s skill or imagination.  

See also "The most likely image".

Available as editions of 10. For additional information and prices please contact ZERP Galerie, Van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120A, 3012 GV Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Phone: +31 10 8 46 37 30
E-mail: info@zerp.nl

Birth and Death, nr 8

Birth and Death, nr 13

Birth and Death, nr 49

Birth and Death, nr 15

Birth and Death, nr 11

Birth and Death, nr 20

Birth and Death, nr 2

Birth & Death, nr 28

Birth & Death, nr 27

Birth and Death, nr 21

Birth and Death, nr 19

Birth and Death, nr 9

Birth and Death, nr 22

Birth and Death, nr 4

Birth and Death, nr 48

Birth and Death, nr 39

Birth and Death, nr 18

Birth and Death, nr 55

Birth and Death, nr 36

Birth and Death, nr 6

Birth & Death, nr 29

Birth and Death nr 56

Birth and Death, nr 17

Birth & Death, nr 26

Birth and Death, nr 24

Birth and Death, nr 41

Birth and Death, nr 46

Birth & Death, nr 35

Birth and Death, nr 14

Birth & Death, nr 32

Birth and Death, nr 7

Birth and Death, nr. 52

Birth and Death, nr 5

Birth and Death, nr 12

Birth and Death, nr 34

Birth and Death, nr 25